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This weekend

consisted of us NOT going to the O.A.R concert in MD because of no babysitting.

Watching lots of cheesy romantic comedies with the wife in lieu of the concert.

Eating lots of really bad gooey cheesy fried type of food things.

Sweltering in our house because it will not freakin cool down.

Going to the movies with my boys. FYI Monster House is too scary for a three year old.

Finding out my parents are separating.

Drinking lots of beer so I dont have to think of the above.

On a positive note one of my favorite places to eat in Richmond reopens tomorrow. If you can, go check out Oburrito and support the new owner. He’s got a great place there and the food is awesome.



It’s all about the Hamiltons baby…

At least it will be tonight, as the fam is hitting up the Byrd to check out The Chronicles of Narnia.

Oh yea.. they’re playing Office Space tomorrow night at midnight.

Yeah, I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I’m working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too, I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.


One more bear reference


Snakes on a Plane

Two things about this post… is ridiculously funny. It took me hours to get through all his archives. Worth every minute.

Snakes on a plane. Two of my biggest fears. Combined. AND being brought to the big screen. Total awesomeness.

If you don’t get it, all I can say is snakes on a plane, it’s just snakes on a plane.


Human-Animal Hybrid Terrorist Fighter

So in a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing, homeland security has unleashed Mr. Scary-Ass ManCat. Whitey warned us about it, yet it seems his people have not heeded his call. Kids… be prepared; or terrified. Whatever. I’m going to go hide now.


Karma got me last night

Yea, I did something bad. So Karma used me as it’s punching bag last night. Literally. I havent had such an awful night of sleep as I did last night. So to everyone I wronged yesterday; I am sorry. Especially to the wife. I promise my “girls like the bad boys” experiment is over.



Brokeback Mountain-Lego Style


Sickness sucks

February has been a rough month for me so far. Out of the last sixteen days, I have been sick ten of them. I finally managed to make it to work on Wednesday, which doesn’t mean anything since I haven’t been able to accomplish much because of how crappy I feel. Yesterday I actually felt ok, but today I woke up with a massive sinus headache. It’s ok… I did get a trip to Orlando in the middle of all that while the wife has had to carry all of the household stuff and take care of a bunch of sick kids (I include myself in there.) I won’t be complaining any time soon.

Finding that image while searching for “i feel sick” made me smile.


The wife rocks…

and she made me blush.

Day two in Orlando and I miss them like crazy. No worries sweetie… no one is dining and wining me, the weather sucks, and there isn’t a decent bar in town. What’s that? You’re not buying it? Yea… i’m not so good at the lying thing.


Reality Bites

I have to be at the airport at 5:30 in the am and here I am, up at 1 in the morning. I have to go to Orlando for a convention. I really, really, really dont want to go. I am sick, I’m going to miss my family and honestly, I hate flying. Plus, I cant get any of my crap together. *sigh*