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Archive for November, 2006


Barack, Bobby and me

So there we were, last night in my dream, trying to get the kids out the door and into the truck. That’s when the phone rang and when I answered, It was Barack Obama on the line. The wife was not pleased with me answering the phone, because any little distraction means that I will be that much slower getting out the door. So Sen. Obama starts chatting with me (those details are a bit fuzzy) but we talk like we are lifelong friends. I keep telling the wife to lower the radio, but when I turn around, there sits Bobby Brown signing “Tender Roni.” And not cracked out Bobby, but smooth, suave Bobby. I ask him to sign a bit quieter, and as he heads to another room, I go back to chatting with the Senator.

What a weird combination. Any dream interpreters out there?


Boys say (and do) stupid things…

This morning as I was heading out the door for work, I mentioned to the wife that I had traded a satellite radio for a Nintendo Gamecube. Well, I guess I forgot the conversation that we had a couple of weeks ago when we decided NOT to go the video game route, or at least hold off as much as possible to prevent the kids from falling into a video game addiction.

p: So you went ahead and did it anyways? That’s fine, you just do whatever the hell you want to.
me: HA.. If I did whatever the hell I wanted to, then I would…
p: Go ahead… what would you do?

So I wouldn’t risk saying one more stupid thing, I decided it would benefit all involved for me to just shut up.

Oh, by the way, we decided to store the game system until Christmas. Woohoo!


Geeked out over the vote

I’ll be watching our local results here, and the national stuff over at NPR. Get out and vote people!

I had a great experience at the polls today, with a strong showing by Webb supporters and No on 1 supporters. Everyone was extremely cordial and friendly, and from what I could tell, there seemed to be no problems with the electronic voting booths.

As I was crutching (my term for how I walk these days) towards the school, a group of older ladies approached me to speak to me about Webb. They were very sympathetic about my injury, and offered all kinds of assistance. They went on about Webb, complimenting me about how brave I was to come out and vote, and telling me how handsome I was. (And this was before I told them I was voting for Webb.) As far as campaign strategies goes, this was by far the best one I’ve ever encountered. So go out and VOTE people… it’s probably the most important thing you’ll do all day.


Girls Growl

So the other day I’m having a conversation with Josiah in which he is explaining to me why he asked to be moved from his current table at school.

j: I wanted to move because H (a girl in his class) was bothering me.
me: how was she bothering you?
j: she growls at me.
me: (laughing) wha??? growls at you?
j: yea, she growls at me

I couldn’t help but laughing, because, well, girls do growl from time to time. I explained to him that how he responds to that growling is what matters.

j: It’s OK, she’s still my friend even if she growls at me.

There’s wisdom there my friends.

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How is this for insensitive?

Josiah’s school celebrated grandparent’s day this week. Well, his marmie and opa (grandma and grandpa) live in Miami, so unfortunately he wouldn’t have them at his school on that day. He fully understood that they couldn’t come, and was OK with that. So, the other day when he gets home he tells me:

j: I had a horrible day at school today.
me: Oh no, what happened buddy?
j: Well, it was grandparents day, and all the kids had a special lunch with their grandparents in the lunchroom but me and Jordan and Priscilla had to stay in the classroom and eat our lunch there. And I had to ask to be able to sit with Jordan and Priscilla because we were sitting at different desks.
me: wtf???? (I didn’t say that, but it was what I was thinking)

What person in their right mind singles 6 year old kids out because their grandparents could not make it for whatever reasons? I can’t think of one good explanation. They could have “adopted” a grandparent for the day, or even sat with the room mother, who is a little old lady and could have been their “grandma ” for the day. We’ll see on Monday what the teacher has to say about this genius move. Is it me, or was this totally inappropriate?

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Hooray for naps!!

What else can be said for naps other than they rock! I am not able to take naps very frequently, so when I do catch one, I am soooo happy. Today was that day, and the boys were “forced” to come take a nap with me. We all snuggled under the covers, read some books, and soon all three of us were snoozing the afternoon away. Hooray Naps!


Pictures from the back seat

Photos by Jackie-boy

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Yes Virginia, there is something better

Tim Kaine,Barack Obama, Bobby Scott, Doug Wilder & Mark Warner

Virginia Union University hosted a rally for Jim Webb today, and the dems didn’t disappoint. It was incredible to watch Barack Obama. I can honestly say that this man has single-handedly brought my faith back. It’s time for change people!

Watching all the heavy hitters was like watching rock stars on stage. It was inspiring to hear Sen. Obama encourage us to use our voice to make a change, and to not let our cynicism about the system paralyze us into inaction.

Remember people, it’s vote or die!

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Post or Die

It’s NaBloPoMo… so come on, all the cool kids are doing it!