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Boys say (and do) stupid things…

This morning as I was heading out the door for work, I mentioned to the wife that I had traded a satellite radio for a Nintendo Gamecube. Well, I guess I forgot the conversation that we had a couple of weeks ago when we decided NOT to go the video game route, or at least hold off as much as possible to prevent the kids from falling into a video game addiction.

p: So you went ahead and did it anyways? That’s fine, you just do whatever the hell you want to.
me: HA.. If I did whatever the hell I wanted to, then I would…
p: Go ahead… what would you do?

So I wouldn’t risk saying one more stupid thing, I decided it would benefit all involved for me to just shut up.

Oh, by the way, we decided to store the game system until Christmas. Woohoo!


Hooray for naps!!

What else can be said for naps other than they rock! I am not able to take naps very frequently, so when I do catch one, I am soooo happy. Today was that day, and the boys were “forced” to come take a nap with me. We all snuggled under the covers, read some books, and soon all three of us were snoozing the afternoon away. Hooray Naps!


Post or Die

It’s NaBloPoMo… so come on, all the cool kids are doing it!


Will the real George Washington please stand up.

This article on NPR hopes to take the boring out of George Washington, but if you really want to be entertained, watch the video below. It is the best video on Washington that can’t be watched by kids or your mother. (No,seriously, dont watch it if your mother would be easily offended; or your boss)


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