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this is a test…

this is so cool… I’m sitting at panera bread, sending this post via avantblog on my axim v50. check out for more info. he also has a version for typepad users… so for all you mobile bloggers, it’s a cool new tool.


“My Roommate, Ben Fawley” on Style Weekly

There is a poignant and chilling article in the new issue of Style Weekly that chronicles the couple of months that Cesca Waterfield lived with Ben Fawley. Fawley has been arraigned on murder charges in the Taylor Behl case, and is due to appear in court on May 30th.

Read article here.

More info on the case via


Bush is speaking tonight… might as well drink

As much as I don’t want to, I am compelled to watch Bush give tonight’s State of the Union address. I figure to make anything make sense, I need to do some drinking… so I found a couple of drinking games. Working for Change has one, but I think the ones at or at the Daily Cardinal are better. I’m not sure I can find three other people to watch and play with me, I sure as hell know the wife’s ears will start bleeding the second he starts to talk. Oh well, I guess it’ll be just me and my beer tonight…


Pictures from the weekend

Jackie-boy @ Perly’s

Lucy Joy out on the town



I’ve always loved a good story. That’s why when the old man sitting at the table next to me at Ukrop’s leaned over today and said:

“Young man, do you enjoy history?” I instantly knew that some good stories were about to follow. We spent the next hour talking Richmond lore, from the little known fact that there are Yankee soldiers buried in Confederate uniforms underneath the 3 crosses at the corner of Glenside and Horspen, to the fact that these two houses on Elwood are completely identical, due to the fact that the father of twin sisters had to marry them off and they each wanted houses just like the other. He spoke sweetly of his late wife, until he got to the part of catching her in bed with his lawyer. “That’s when it all went downhill.” She proceeded to smoke herself to death, and last he heard, his disbarred lawyer had also gone on to “meet his maker.”
He continued his storytelling as I enjoyed my sushi, all the while not caring if he was in any way embellishing any part of these stories. I immediately drove over to glenside, and sure enough, the three crosses stand there without any markers. I drove to Carytown, and there are the two houses, a perfect mirror image of each other. I’m not sure who got more out of our short time together, an old man finding a willing ear, or me.

I told the wife about my experience, and I could sense a small amount of jealousy in her voice.
How do these things keep happening to you?

I’m not sure. I’ve been going through this whole I’m getting older stage lately. Feeling nostalgic, sentimental, wanting to soak up all the things that are going on around me. Even one of my coworkers warned me that I’m acting like a little girl. I’m carrying my camera everywhere I go, snapping pictures everywhere. Maybe God is just being nice to me. I’m not sure, but I loved having this little experience today.


Best cd ever…

I swear this is the best cd I have made in a long time. Actually, it’s the first one I’ve made since I got my mp3 player about 2 years ago. I needed something for a ride around town, and came up with this playlist:

And BTW, I downloaded the podcast from J’s Notes from his Under the Covers show- GREAT STUFF. Download it now!


Just a good ole’ boy…


On the hot seat with Oprah

Was anyone as excited as I was seeing James Frey squirm yesterday? It makes me hate him slightly less for actually coming out and admitting his untruthfulness. I’m not sure why people are still giving him support. He LIED. To millions of people. AND took their money. If he really feels all that bad about it, he should give the money back. I guess I’ll have to settle for his public humiliation. Honestly, the book was ok at best, the only reason that it was so compelling was because of what this guy was going through. In such dishonesty, he made himself bigger than all the real people that are going through addiction. I’m not sure what punishment fits the crime, but I guess a public tongue lashing from Oprah is going to have to do.

Ok… I’ve said my two cents. I’ll get off my soapbox and let it go.


Calling all Virginia wine lovers…

Lake Anna Winery and most of the other 100+ wineries in the state face a crisis. We need you to call the General Assembly and register your support for Self-Distribution HB 1288. The phone number is: 800-889-0229.A Federal Judge has ruled that the ability of Virginia Farm Wineries to sell directly to retail outlets (stores and restaurants) is unconstitutional and has ordered that stop. This represents at least 20% of our current sales and is what makes our wines available to stores near you. We can only continue to self-distribute if the General Assembly passes a law opening the state to small, out of state wineries. The Wholesale Lobby is trying to keep us from retaining this right by insisting that we use Virginia wholesalers (distributors) or set up a “phantom” distributorship of our own with its licensing, taxes, insurance, administrative overhead, etc. HB 1288, introduced by the Virginia Wineries Association, will enable us to retain our right to self-distribute by also allowing small out of state wineries to direct-distribute into the Virginia market should they wish. In addition, they can also apply to be sold in Virginia ABC stores, which will enable ABC stores to continue be an outlet for Virginia wine. This will increase the availabity of boutique wines to our consumers as well as ensure our wines remain available in all areas of the state. Please support us by making this call. We need to get a grass roots response to overcome the financial lobbying contributions provided by the wholesalers to influence our legislators.Thank you for your action on our behalf.

Read the bill here.


chronic-what-cles of narnia and other fun stuff

Zilla has this on his site… very funny. If you have’nt seen the the SNL one, watch that one first and then watch the bonus rap battle one. Awesome stuff.

Chronicles of Narnia/Rap Battle

Seriously, click here… is this for real?? I would hide if this was my name.

And check these guys out. I’ve spent hours looking through all the stuff that they have done.

Improv Everywhere.

From their FAQ:

In August of 2001, I went out to a West Village bar with my college buddies Brandon Arnold and Jon Karpinos. On a whim we decided to pull a prank where I would pose as musician Ben Folds. Three hours later, “Ben Folds” was drinking on the house surrounded by women and his “two big fans” were thrown out of the bar for “stealing Ben Folds’ wallet”. I had always been a prankster, but this experience enlightened me as to how far a prank could be taken. As an actor new to the city, I discovered I could create my own theatre rather than waiting around for someone to give me stage time. I got tired of telling the story to friends, so I typed it up and put it on the web. Improv Everywhere was born.

Ahhhh….good stuff. Have fun!