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52 days and counting…

It’s been fifty-two days since I had my knee surgery and I’m still limping along on my crutches. Aside from the inconvenience of not being able to hold anything and being really slow, it has not been the end of the world for me. (Don’t question the wife about this… you might get a totally different answer.)

I generally feel like I’m in the way of everybody. I was in Georgetown over the weekend, and after walking about five blocks to the stores we wanted to get to, I was pretty tired and specially slow. Most people were kind enough, but about half the people that had a chance to wait for two seconds for me to get out of the way or just let me through ended up making me shuffle out of their way. Oh, well. I guess I can attribute it to the holidays or whatever, but I hope that I have never made someone with a disability feel that way.

But on to bigger and better thoughts… I think I might be getting close to walking without the crutches soon. At least that’s what I keep telling myself and the wife. I’m pretty sure I might have used up all of my “Baby, can you get me…” She has been insanely patient with me, so hopefully I’ll be up on my feet soon and getting up to get whatever my sweet girl wants.

  • you have the patience of a saint…i would have been cursing the universe on day 3. hell, I have been cursing the universe since day 3.
    i seriously do not know how you have done it this long. this is SO you, rollin’ with the punches. it’s one of the things i like best about you…

    the wife


    November 27, 2006

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