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Small minded people suck…

This was posted anonymously online about my company:

Well to start with – they did not show up on May 1 to pickup all the equipment we rented over the weekend. That also happened to be day of the “boycott”. I get home the following evening to find 2 people that speak only spanish and 1 american that is their manager/translator. Had I known they were to use non US labor I would have never done business with them.

This was my response:

While it is true that XXXXX hires “non US labor”, we do so by legal means. Our workers are contracted for work for the season. We undergo a rigorous process that is approved by the US Labor Department. Our workers hold H2B visas, and are entirely legal. These gentlemen are hard workers, pay their taxes, are respectful and return to their families when the season is over.

Our not picking up on the referenced day had nothing to do with the “boycott”. Our workers did not even realize that such a thing was going on. We simply had an abundance of work and had to delay their pickup. It is our opinion that it is a small minded point of view to think that because there are non English speaking people on a job site that they are illegal aliens.

We can see the benefit of a website such as yours, but the danger is that people can anonymously post information without any facts. That you do not contact that employer to verify such claims does not give an equal voice in the process. We understand that there are many businesses hiring illegally, but XXXXXX has NEVER hired anyone illegally and we can prove so with all our documentation. We ask you to kindly remove the post above, as it can negatively impact our business. You may contact me at XXXXXXX if you have any further questions.

Thank you,

Director of Operations

The wife thinks I was too nice, that I should have given them shit for allowing someone to make a flippant comment without any facts. I’m giving them a couple of days before contacting a lawyer. On their site, they claim that anything posted there is “alleged.” I have no idea on the legality of it, so I’m wondering what they can or cannot do. If you say something is alleged, can you pretty much write anything you want about anybody??

Needless to say, I’m pretty pissed off about this. It bothers me on so many levels, (I am hispanic, and also a US citizen) but mostly I can’t help to think of how much of an idiot this person is, and how small minded. Anyone have any thoughts?

  • i thought your response was well-worded and appropriate. it stuck a balance between defending your employees and admonishing the offender. it is so terribly sad…..intolerant people are always the most miserable in life. sorry you have to deal with people like that. -kate


    December 12, 2006

  • Irritating.


    December 12, 2006

  • Good Response — The Polite Way to respond – even though they probably didn’t get it!!


    December 12, 2006

  • Your response was excellent, and getting the facts straight is important… But as an outsider living in South FL, reading the original post written by a bigot, I wouldn’t want the business of anyone this person could influence with those words.


    December 15, 2006

  • Yea…as of today, there is no response from them… aarrgghhh it irritates me so much.

    J in Ric

    December 19, 2006

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